Day Eight
Have you ever wanted something but you couldn’t afford it? What do you do? If you really, really want it, you save up for it, and when you finally have enough money saved, you go and buy it….and hopefully on sale during Black Friday ☺ Faith is the same. You can grow your faith until you have enough to believe God for things bigger than you can believe for right now.
I have also been in the situation where I have not had any savings put away and something unexpected happens to the car or with a family member’s health and I have regretted not saving up because I’ve had to go without until I could pay off the debt I owed.
In the same way, there are circumstances and things that steal our faith ‘savings’. Some of them can’t be avoided, but a lot of them can!
In the next few days we are going to be looking at some of the things that can steal or heal our faith, and how to position ourselves to minimize the stealers and maximize the faith healers.
One of the greatest stories in the bible about Faith Stealers and Faith Healers is the parable of the sower. It is the story of God sowing faith into our hearts and what happens.
Matt 13:19
When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart.
I remember the backyard of very first house we bought. It was dusty and filled with weeds. Ps Ashley and I wanted to have lawn so the boys had a place to run and play. So Ps. Ashley dug the whole yard over himself, leveled it and then planted seed. In Australia he may as well have just sent out a message to all the crows and other birds inviting them to a banquet feast! It was hilarious, exhausting, and pointless trying to stop the birds feasting on that seed and eventually we gave us and planted turf instead.
God is constantly sowing the ground of our hearts with opportunities to grow our faith and produce a great harvest in our lives. We need to understand that the enemy is just as intent on stealing that seed and creating barrenness within our lives that leaves us in deficit. Lets begin to unpack some of those things that steal our faith so that we can be aware of them and minimize their effect in our lives.
Today, start writing a list of things that you feel are faith stealers in your life right now, you can add to it in the next few days, and then we are going to talk about the things that we can do to heal our faith and allow it to grow unopposed in our lives.
Scripture to meditate on : Matthew 13:1-23