Welcome to Influencers Church! Whether you've been attending Influencers Church for a long time, or you've just joined us, we believe that everyone has a next step they can take to grow in their relationship with God, and fulfil the purpose He has for your life.
Blue Room
If it's your first or second time at the church we want to connect with you in our Blue Room after our service. Meet our Pastors, have a coffee on us and you'll get a welcome gift to take home. Simply grab a Blue Room pass from our host team.
Click here to contact us
Join our Pastors for Lunch
If you’re new to the church, we would love to have you join us for lunch this Sunday at DNA! It's our way of getting to know you and sharing the heart of our church. Simply go to the Blue Room after the service and we will give you a personal invite or contact us for more details.
Accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior is the best decision you'll make. As a new Christian we want to support you in this decision and walk with you. The new Christian course is designed to support, teach and encourage you on your new journey with Jesus.
Click here for next courseBAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT
The Holy Spirit is so integral in leading our Christian lives. We run a class that teaches about the role of the Holy Spirit and gives you an opportunity to be prayed for to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Click here for next classThe Blessed Life
There is no greater adventure than living a life of generosity and experiencing God's blessing beyond your ability to imagine.
Click here for next courseGrowth Track
We believe at Influencers Church everyone has a place to belong and a place to serve. Come to discover your God given giftings and learn how you can use them
Click here for next classJoin a House Party
House Parties are a great way to make a large church feel like a close family. We have connect groups for you no matter what age you are or what stage you're at in life.
Find a House Party for YouJoin a dream Team
Our dream team is our team of volunteers who serve in a range of various areas in our church. It's a great way to find your fit in the church, use your gifts, and build great relationships.
Find out more about our dream teamsGet in contact with our Next Steps team to help you take your next steps
Influencers Leadership School
We want to create a movement of Influencers.People who go beyond the four walls of the church and touch every level of society, from the rich to the poor and those in between.
Register and find out more
House Party Leadership
House Party Leadership is the opportunity to support and encourage others in their walk with God. House Parties are run across homes, cafes and churches across Adelaide.

Dream Team House Party Membership
Are you part of a Dream Team but would like to grow further with the ability to develop your leadership in the Dream Team and build more relationship in the team? You need to join a Dream Team House Party. Meetings are once a month with your Dream Team captain.

Do you wish to personally develop in areas that may be holding you back from being the whole, unique person that God has created you to be? Influencers Counseling offers you the opportunity to meet with one of our fully trained professionals and begin the journey of wholeness.
Parenting Seminar
Pastor Ashley and Jane have raised three fantastic son's all followers of Christ, serving in one house with one heart. They would love to share with you some of the valuable parenting lessons they have learnt along the way that will help you to raise happy, healthy children and teenagers.
Next SeminarMarriage Mentoring
Beginning with two Marriage Seminars each year, Influencers Church offers one on one marriage mentoring with our trained married mentors. Marriage is a journey with many opportunities for growth. It helps to know you are not alone and many problems faced in a marriage are not uncommon. Our marriage mentors are here to help.
Find out moreGet in contact with our Next Steps team to help you take your next steps

Community Projects
Influencers Church provides multiple opportunities for you to help in our local community. In partnership with Influencers Sisterhood we offer Foster-Care Outreach, Winter Appeal Outreach, Food Pantry and more. Get in touch to find out what is happening now.

Dream Team Leadership
If you have been part of a Dream Team for some time now and have already been through some of our development opportunities, you may like to express interest in becoming a Dream Team Leader. There are several Dream Team Leadership opportunities, which include: Dream Team Captain or Dream Team Co-ordinator. We couple each persons unique gifting to help find a leadership position for you. Express your interest to find out more!

House Party Leadership
If you are interested in running a house party, we have two different House Party options that may suit. If you have completed at least one Module of Influencers Leadership School, you may like to be a House Party Leader, Assistant Leader or Key Worker. Or if you have a passion for a particular hobby or event, you may like to run an Event House Party. Express your interest to find out more!
Go Trips
Go Trips are an opportunity to minister and assist the wider community around the world. Express your interest to find out more!
Find out more about our next go trip